The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Compassionate Leadership


The compassion of Jesus is amazing. Yes, to the poor, the infirm, and the outcasts, but also to his own disciples.

Jesus’ leadership was gentle and invitational, never compulsory. He led not with an iron fist, but with an open hand. His disciples was never threatened into staying, but were always welcome to notice the exit signs.

Jesus was compassionate to his disciples because he knew that following him was hard, and would continue to be hard, in a myriad of ways.

Following him would disrupt their lives. It would strain relationships. It would involve lengthy travel. They would be hungry and dirty. Compassion fatigue was a very real thing. Success would be mixed with sharp opposition. Eventually, even torture and death would await most of them.

And all along that glorious and grueling journey would be the crazy, mind-bending, paradigm-shattering, heart-altering teachings of their Lord. Those teachings alone were reason enough for some to bail.

Faithfulness brings on its own kind of suffering. Thankfully our Lord is gentle with bruised reeds and smoldering wicks.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation