The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

It’s A Trap!


Sometimes when someone asks a question, they aren’t really looking for an answer. Well, they are. It’s just that they’re looking for the right answer. For their answer. For the answer that serves their agenda.

To quote the best movie from one of the best franchises of all time:

It’s a trap!

Admiral Ackbar, Return of the Jedi

If there were occasions when interrogative traps were laid for Jesus, then it’s at least possible that similar traps will be laid for his disciples. This is probably true in all of life. It’s certainly been true in my experience of ministry.

I don’t mean to be alarmist, only honest. I don’t mean to be cynical, only realistic. In my opinion, being alarmist or cynical is a huge waste of energy. Instead of being suspicious of the motive behind others’ questions, I say just resolve to not be surprised at the occasional backfire when you give an answer that someone doesn’t like.

That said, if your spidey-sense starts tingling, keep your mouth shut. 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation