The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Native Language


The native language of God is Truth. The native language of the devil is Lies.

The difficulty for us as humans is that while we were created in the image of God, ultimately destined to live with him forever, we are growing up in a foreign land ruled by a different father. We have all been raised in a world where even the truth is often spoken with a lying accent.

This is why telling the truth—especially a hard or uncomfortable or embarrassing truth—can feel uncomfortable or scary, like trying to give a speech in front of your High School Spanish class. Part of the task for us as Christians is to learn to speak like our Father in heaven, even if it feels risky. Even if we’re afraid of sounding foolish or being laughed at.

The first step in learning a foreign language—a step that we never really outgrow—is listening. Comprehension always precedes articulation, often by a long time. Just consider how babies begin learning their first language—they can understand others long before anyone else can understand them.

Part of the task of a child of God is to constantly and attentively listen to the truth, and to then practice speaking it at every opportunity. Eventually the accent of lies will fall off.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation