The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

The Life You Lay Down


Will not be the same life that you pick up again. Which, I suspect, is something that we all know deep down, which then explains why so few of us actually do it.

No. We hold onto our lives for dear life. Because even in our discomfort we are comfortable. We prefer familiarity over change. The status quo might not be living the dream, but at least it’s a known non-dream.

If laying down your life at God’s request feels risky, it’s because it is. If you feel that kick of dread in your stomach over whatever suffering or sadness of loss might be involved, no worries. It’s just your body’s God-given response to help prepare you. It’s not a sign that this is a bad idea; it’s a sign that you’re probably as ready as you’ll ever be. So just go for it.

Yes, the life you lay down will not be the same life that you pick back up again. But there’s one thing we can count on if the testimony of Jesus is to be believed: On the other side is more of God’s great love. More than your current life can contain.

Holding onto your life is holding you back. Which is why God invites you to lay it down. Why Jesus paved the way.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation