The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Jesus Will Come To You


Most of the way. That is, he will often traverse 99% of the distance between you, but then his invitation will be for you to come toward him that last 1%.

He may not come all the way into your village, but will wait for you just outside the city limits. He may not come all the way into your home, but will take a seat on the curb. He may not come all the way into your darkest places, but will stand patiently just on the edge of the shadows.

Sometimes we expect Jesus to force his way into the middle of everything. But he knows that there is something in us—some desire that needs to be awakened, some desperation we must reach, some ember of love that longs to be fanned into flame—something in us that needs to happen before we are ready for the miracle.

That last 1% may feel like a thousand miles. You may not feel like you have the energy or will power. You may be much more keen on simply giving up. A pity party may seem much more appealing than venturing outside and down the road. But all that is simply part of the deal.

Maybe it’s a test. Maybe it’s to build up your faith. Maybe Jesus just wants you to get outside and feel the breeze and hear the birds.

God only knows the why. Don’t overthink it. When he’s close by, get up as quickly as you can and go to him.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation