Relational Paths


Are the easiest paths. Often getting things done is quicker when you know someone who knows someone. No one is an island; together we are a continent of relationships.

I suppose it can happen, but in 30 years of following Jesus, I don’t think I’ve known a single person who simply came to Christ all on their own. I don’t know anyone who found him in a vacuum. There was always, to one degree or another, at least one significant person that played a role in their path to encountering the divine.

Most people find Jesus the way any of us finds anything worthwhile in this life: they know someone who knows someone who knows Jesus.

Rodger Otero

I'm a husband-father-musician-pastor trying to make a decent contribution to the world. California is the Motherland, North Carolina has my heart, Georgia is Home. These are mostly my riffs on formation, leadership, and being fully human.

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