The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Draw All People (A Prayer)


Today, Lord Christ, may you drive out
the prince of this world,
from every mind and heart,
from every body and soul,
from every home and workplace,
from every government and community,
so that all people might live free
of tyranny, suffering, and injustice.
There are so many, both seen and unseen,
who vie for power.
May your power overcome all rivals.

Today, Lord Christ, may you be lifted up
so that all people might see you,
in ways that arrest attention and awaken desire,
in ways that surprise and challenge,
in ways that bring comfort and hope.
May your image be unhindered from view
by all the busyness and business of the world.

Today, Lord Christ, draw me to yourself.
Draw also those whom I love,
those whom I like,
those whom I dislike,
and also those whom it wounds me to call to mind.
As you draw all people to yourself,
may we also find ourselves drawn toward one another
in love and peace and oneness.


The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation