The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

When The Lights Turn On


Don’t miss your opportunity to take a few steps forward.

In the modern developed world, we don’t often have to think about light. We rarely have to worry about its absence. If we’re driving at night, the car has headlights—including high beams in case it’s extra dark. With the flick of a switch, a room is illuminated. Except of course for the occasional power outage. But even then, we have flashlights stashed in every room. Even our cell phones now have flashlights.

Light is within our control.

Which is why much of Jesus’ talk about light / dark doesn’t have quite the same punch as it would have in the first century. Or like it would in the developing world today.

Spiritual light is coming, and when it does, when the path before you is illuminated, it’s time to move.  There’s no time to waste because it’s also true that darkness is coming. Just as sure as the sun rises and sets and then we are in the dark again. So it is with the spiritual life. It’s a little less predictable than actual daylight, but it’s still true.

The Light of the World is not within our control.

Sometimes the presence of Jesus with us is tangible and clear. Sometimes it seems like he’s hiding himself. While there is light, it’s time to walk. Enjoy the light. Give thanks for the light. When there is darkness, it’s time to wait. Don’t panic—you didn’t turn the lights off. You are not that powerful. Endure the dark. Learn how to hope in the dark.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation