It’s one of the darker moments in any story in the Bible.
Jesus, having dropped a few hints, is visibly troubled. His insides are showing on the outside. He finally says it plainly: “One of you is going to betray me.”
One in twelve. Not exactly good odds when the stakes are this high. Of course the disciples were dismayed and shaken, at a loss for words.
They had spent several years together, in close proximity, in intimate relationship, experiencing things that turned all of their lives gloriously upside down and backwards. And now, tonight, in the middle of this Passover meal commemorating their people’s liberation—suddenly there was this heavy statement dropped in like a bomb to blow up whatever joy had been present.
Sometimes the truth needs to be said aloud. Spoken from one who was deeply troubled to say such a thing because of love for the others. Hopefully the relationships are strong enough to endure it.