The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Work Hard Or Focus Well?


I often tell myself, “I’m going to work hard today!” Translate that to, “I’m going to power through and end my day exhausted.” As if any of that is really satisfying at all. I’m already not looking forward to my work day. 

What I tell myself less often is, “I’m going to focus well today!” Specific hours. Specific projects. Specific tasks. Specific people. Perhaps even many of the same things as “I’m going to work hard today,” but a different energy expenditure. A different experience at the end of the day. An altogether different sense of productivity and value and satisfaction.

It’s one thing to feel exhausted because you just plowed through. It’s another thing to feel tired because you focused well.

That’s what a wise life feels like.

Oh! Teach us to live well!
Teach us to live wisely and well!

(Psalm 90:12, The Message)
The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation