The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

A Fairly Reliable Litmus Test


For the voice of God is this: peace.

Whether it’s a though popping into your own head, or a feeling stirring in your own heart, or a word from a trusted spiritual friend, or a supposed prophecy from a stranger—or a more abnormal source like a talking donkey—wherever or through whomever your receive a possible communication from the Divine, begin by asking one simple questions: Does this bring me peace?

Not fear, or anxiety, or anger, or contempt, or judgment, or hopelessness—not anything like that. Only peace. That almost nonsensical, beyond-understanding, doesn’t-make-sense-given-the-circumstances-kind of peace. Everything on the outside may remain the same, but deep down there is equanimity. Calm waters.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you particularly like a given word. It may actually make you uncomfortable. It may run against the grain of your desires or prayers. It may even fall into the category of “bad news.” Nevertheless, there may still be peace.

If you hold this word before the Presence, in stillness and in silence, and if it is indeed God’s voice, it will sound like what the disciples heard Jesus say:

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation