The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Subtle Glory


After turning water into wine, what did Jesus do? I can tell you what he didn’t do right away: He didn’t do more miracles. He didn’t heal anyone, or feed anyone, or cast out any demons. He didn’t go looking for a larger platform. He didn’t even preach.

As John tells it, here’s what Jesus did after revealing his glory for the first time publicly in Cana:

After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples. There they stayed for a few days.

John 2:12

The glory didn’t stop in Cana.

In Capernaum Jesus revealed a subtler kind of glory. The kind of glory that is only seen in casual time twith family and friends. The kind of glory that doesn’t explode in miraculous transformation, but is revealed slowly over days. The kind of glory that doesn’t hit you like good wine at a party, but refreshes you like a family meal around the dining room table. The kind of glory that delights in private communion more than public display. The kind of glory that makes for better memories than headlines.

It’s easy to miss the subtler kind of glory if you’re only looking for the stunning kind of glory.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation