The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

All The Truth You Can Bear


Is all the truth that the Spirit will guide you into. The truth can be a heavy burden, a difficult pill to swallow. Because the more we come to understand about the reality of things, the more we have to change.

Our minds can only comprehend so much information. Our souls can only fathom so much beauty. Our egos can only stand so much confrontation.

Most of the time we grow incrementally. Little by little. Baby steps. This is how we grow up naturally; this is how we grow up spiritually. Some maturation will happen automatically, but the most significant processes will require our consent and involve our participation.

Attend to your maturity and growth. Invest in your resilience and steadfastness. Build a stable container that can bear the weight of whatever truth the Spirit might pour into it. Not just a new wineskin, but a stronger and more durable wineskin.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation