The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

An Inherent Danger In Becoming Religious


Is being lulled into a false sense of freedom. The Pharisees (and others in gospels) are prototypes of this. Their problem was not that they were Jews unable to recognize the real Messiah when he showed up, but that there were human beings who were so comfortable in their religious achievements and activities that they couldn’t even understand the need for a Savior.

We are all quite safe and free already, thank you very much.

Only captives can be set free. All of us are in various stages, degrees, and forms of captivity. So we are all desperately in need of various stages, degrees, and forms of liberation.

This is an ongoing process. We are, in this life, in a continual state of flux along the spectrum between enslaved and free, captive and liberated, trapped and released. The question to ask is not, “Are you saved?” but rather, “Are you being saved?”

Nevermind what happened to you years ago, or what might happen tomorrow. “Today is the day of salvation”. (2 Corinthians 6:2) Today is the only day in which you are, in some way or another, held captive. And thus today is the only day that Christ is arriving to set you free.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation