The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Becoming The Real You


Isn’t automatic. There are so many competing versions of you being put forth every day—from both external and internal sources—that it requires some careful consideration. The false self is tricksy. Unmasking the false self is hard work.

That means questions.

Below are a few just to get you going. You may not be able to answer all of these very well. That’s OK. That’s not the point. The power is more in the asking than the answering. Resist the urge to force an answer just for the sake of having one. 

What do you dream about?

How have you suffered?

When was the last time you tasted joy?

When was the last time you wept in grief?

How has someone that made you feel special?

How has someone wounded you deeply?

What do you think you’re good at?

What do other people say you’re good at?

How do you define “success”?

How do you define “failure”?

How did you feel when someone told you, “Yes, you can.”

How did you feel when someone told you, “No, you can’t.”

What awakens you to beauty in the world?

What breaks your heart that you see in the world?

What time of day do you feel most energized?

What time of day do you need to rest and recharge?

What keeps you awake at night?

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Where do you feel like you belong?

Where do you feel out of place?

How do you tend to show love?

How do you best receive love?

Who do you love?

Who loves you?

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation