The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Being Right Is Not The Same Thing As Being Righteous


Having the right answers is not the same thing as having the right character.

Knowing the truth is not the same thing as living truthfully.

No one likes that guy who always insists on being right—he can never admit when he’s wrong. Everyone likes that guy who intends to be righteous—he has no problem admitting when he’s done wrong.

You can be right all day long and still be unrighteous. Being right doesn’t make you righteous. The opposite is also possible: You can be wrong all day long and still be righteous. Being righteous doesn’t make you right.

The good news is that real righteousness can set us free from the crippling urge to be right.

What if you had to choose? Would you rather be right or righteous? 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation