The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation



I used to believe that God’s blessings would bring stability, ease, and comfort. That if God was blessing something in my life, that it meant that thing would largely stay the same, probably improve somehow, and most certainly get easier. 

Now I’m beginning to believe that God’s blessings bring change, challenge, and discomfort. That God’s touch never leaves something the same, and that new territory of transformation is uncharted, sometimes scary, and maybe even a little dangerous. 

Consider one example: Children. Children are undoubtedly one of God’s greatest blessings. But as soon as even one kid is in the mix, nothing is ever the same. Meals aren’t the same. Sleeping isn’t the same. Holidays aren’t the same. Budgets aren’t the same. Heck, even just going to the bathroom isn’t the same. (At least until they get a little older!) 

Maybe if what I value is ease and comfort, God’s blessings are not what I really want. (And maybe that’s perfectly honest and OK.)

Maybe ease and comfort are not the marks of God’s blessings at all. Maybe when my life is most challenging, uncertain, and even risky is when I am actually most blessed. 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation