The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Boundary Lines


We all live on a certain plot of land. We live within a measured acreage; our home is a certain square footage. We live in a particular location that has a size and shape.

Our lives have a certain width and breadth. The reach of our relationships and influence is different for each of us; we all touch a unique set of other lives that no one else touches.

For the most part we do not decide the size and shape of our existence. We have influence and agency, but they are limited. As we can receive our limitation as a gift, it opens us up to relationship with the Limitless One. If the Christian doctrine of the Sovereignty of God has any practical significance it is this: We must learn to let go of our lives, trusting that the Maker is making something good and beautiful.

Because He is.

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;

surely I have a delightful inheritance.

Psalm 16:6

How do you see God redrawing the boundary lines of your life right now? Where do you see them falling in “pleasant places” that bring you a “delightful inheritance”? 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation