The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Can You Take A Step Back?


So that someone else can take a step forward?

Can you take a back seat so that someone else can drive?

Can you move to a lower position so that someone else can take the higher position?

Can you step out of the limelight so that someone else can have a moment to shine?

Can you risk a decline in apparent success so that someone else can succeed?

Can you risk losing so that someone else can win?

Can you be quiet long enough for someone else’s voice to be heard?

Can you follow so that someone else has a chance to lead?

Can you do the grunt work so that someone else can fill the more glorious role?

“He must become greater; I must become less.”

John 3:30

This line from John the Baptist is often quoted in religious circles. It’s rightly held as the gold standard of humility—as long as we really only mean Jesus. There is still much pride and self-promotion and position-grabbing in the Church. Narcissism and selfishness and self-protection don’t magically wash away in the blood of the Lamb. We’ll wear this verse on a t-shirt as long as we can continue to over-spiritualize it, or as long as we’re assured that the literal repercussions will be minimal.

“I’ll become less so that Jesus can become greater. But not anybody else.”

“I’ll become less for Jesus. As long as no one takes away my position.”

“I’ll become less for Jesus. But not if that means becoming irrelevant.”

“I’ll become less for Jesus. As long as everybody still admires me for it.

If we hold our theology to be true that every human being bears the image of God, and that every believer is indwelt by the Spirit of Christ, and that “whatever you do to the least of these you’ve done unto me,” then we must reckon with the question:

Can you become less so that someone else can become greater?

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation