Lord Jesus Christ,
there are so many things that I see
in this world that my opinion calls
wrong, askew, and amiss;
broken, frail, and weak;
boring, bland, and kitschy;
half-baked, under-prepared, and out-dated.
Give me the grace to trust these things
into your hands—
You who use the last, the littlest, and the lost;
You who use the weak things of the world
to shame the strong;
You who use the foolish things of the world
to shame the wise;
You who turn water into wine,
and fish sandwich lunches into banquets.
Give me the grace to trust these things
into your hands.
And may you be welcome into this temple—
my body, my soul, my mind, my heart,
my whole life,
my network of relationships,
my roles and responsibilities,
every dream and passion that drives me—
may you be welcome into this temple.
Cleanse this temple first.
Then, and only then, may I lend a hand
at re-forming this world into your image
rather than my own.