The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Come To Jesus In The Dark


Sometimes that’s your only option. Sometimes that’s all you can muster up the courage to do. Sometimes that’s the only time that’s quiet enough. Sometimes that’s the only time you’re left alone and free. Sometimes the risks of daylight are just too high.

What will someone say if they see me? What will Jesus say if he sees me too clearly? What will I see in myself that I can’t bear to see?

We often give people like Nicodemus a bad rap. I think that’s unfair. At least he came to Jesus. I’m not sure how many other guys were on the Jewish ruling council, but none of them showed up. Whether they were uninterested or afraid or obstinate doesn’t matter: they didn’t show up. Nicodemus did.

Showing up is all that matters.

If we think we have to come to Jesus in some blinding flash of glowing faith, or with some big showy display that inspires awe in others, we’re wrong. And we’re likely doing it for the wrong reasons. Coming to Jesus isn’t meant to look pretty or impressive. The way we come to Jesus doesn’t need to hit some minimum threshold of glory. Really, his standards are rather low and accessible.

Don’t let anyone, including yourself, shame you for how or when or why you come to Jesus. Just show up.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation