The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation



Is a thief. Yes, of joy, as the saying goes, but even more…

Comparison is a thief of presence. It requires time and energy that could be otherwise spent living. It lulls you into a day-dream-like state. It pulls you out of reality. It prevents you from living in the only time and place you have been given to live—here and now.

Comparison is a thief of identity. The more you gaze upon the beauty of another, the less you can appreciate your own beauty. The more you pine after the accomplishments of another, the less you can be proud of your own accomplishments. The more you wish you were someone else, the less yourself you become.

Comparison is a thief of calling. It tempts you to replace your gifts, passions, and strengths with those of someone else. It tempts you to rewrite your story in someone else’s handwriting. It tempts you to give your gift to the world wrapped in someone else’s skin.

All of which, I suppose, amounts to a lot of joyless living.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation