The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation



Being credentialless is not an automatic disqualifier. True, there is huge value to formal education. Most of the time if someone has some fancy letters after their name you can trust that they have a certain level of expertise in a certain field.

But the absence of fancy letters doesn’t mean that someone has nothing significant to bring to the table. Especially in the kingdom of God.

There is a kind of learning that comes from somewhere else, from someone else. A kind of education that is beyond, that is deep, that is rooted in an intimacy with the divine. With someone who has been formed in the Divine Presence, there is something stirring beneath their words at times that is both alluring and unnerving, comforting and surprising.

Credentials are good. But they’re not everything. God himself has a long track record of favoring the credentialless.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation