The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Deconstruction Is Not A Problem To Be Solved


Nor is it a threat to be neutralized. Nor is it a passing fad to ignore. Nor is it a revolution to be championed.

On an individual, case-by-case basis, perhaps some or all of those descriptors might feel true. In any case, such a season is fought with anxiety and trepidation and disorientation. And there are no quick off ramps.

I would describe it like this: Deconstruction is a valley to be walked through. It is a storm to be weathered. It is a dark night to be endured.

“The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great light.”

St. John of the Cross

Night comes, where we stumble around. So comes the dawn, where we can walk freely through the world. Neither can be avoided. Neither can be hurried. Night and day each have their own divine pace.

Have patience with the passage of time. Have patience with God. Have patience with yourself and others.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation