The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation



Is almost always where you can find Jesus.

He shows up in the middle of our desperation, not in our confidence and contentment. He meets us at the end of our rope, not in our neatly ordered and controlled three-ring binders. He is drawn by our brokenness and weakness, not our got-it-all-togetherness and strength. He helps the helpless, not those who are fully capable of helping themselves.

You can always count on Jesus to show up at the Pool of Bethesda. That last-ditch effort of those who are as good as dead. Where those beyond anyone else’s help are waiting for a miracle. Those hanging out at the pool at least have one thing going for them: they haven’t given up hope.

If you find yourself at the Pool of Bethesda, take heart. You are not alone. Whether you see them or not, there are a great number of people there with you. And when Jesus comes to town, that ad hoc ER waiting room is sure to be his first stop.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation