The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Do Whatever He Tells You


This was Mary’s advice to a handful of servants who probably felt like their jobs were on the line because the wedding they were serving at just ran out of wine. No one knew what to do. There wasn’t a local Trader Joe’s one of them could run to for a few cases of Three Buck Chuck. They were stuck.

Wineless. Answerless. Hopeless. Potentially jobless.

I don’t know about you, but when I feel like that, my first instinct is to run to Google. Seriously. Sometimes I’ll ask for advice from other wise people I know. Lots of times—if we’re being honest here—I just sit and stew, trying to think through whatever problem I’m facing on my own. Not that any of those options are bad, they’re just not always sufficient.

When you bump up against insufficiency, listen to Jesus’ mother: “Do whatever he tells you.” And then do it, no matter how mundane or unremarkable or even ridiculous it may seem.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation