The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Don’t Read The Comments


If you’re trying to contribute in any meaningful way to the world, there will at some point be an angry mob picking up stones to throw at you. You’re going to say or do something that someone without any self-control or human decency doesn’t like. It’s not cowardice to protect yourself from them.

Walk the other way. Hide. Smile and nod while proverbial lay sticking your fingers in your ears. Turn off your ringer. Block the DMs. Don’t read the comments.

Our society makes sport of critique and nay-saying. But you don’t have to play that game. It will only get under your skin, crush your spirit, dehumanize you.

Speaking of dehumanization, there’s a reason why they call such people trolls: they’re the ugliness that only exists to hide under a bridge waiting to ambush someone else who is actually going somewhere.

Keep going. Keep contributing. Stay on the journey. Stay human.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation