The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Drink Your Cup


Or draw your sword. But you can’t do both.

You can learn to accept life as it comes to you—as your Father allows it to come to you—or you can fight your life when it’s not to your liking.

If you face your life like a soldier, ready for battle, there will be casualties. Someone’s gonna get hurt. And it may not be you. When we come out swinging, we’re bound to hit something or someone.

But if you accept your life, however it shapes up—whether delightful or painful, easy or challenging—not only will you avoid unnecessary additional harm, but you might bring healing. Because this is not only your life. It is our life. No man is an island, as the saying goes. This plot of earth you call “home” is communal ground. Making it a battleground helps no one.

Life will not always go your way, no matter how hard you try to control it. Life will never look quite like you dream, no matter how meticulously you try to shape it. Life will not always make sense, no matter how thoughtfully you try to influence the plot line.

So lay down your arms. Raise your glass. Let’s drink to the mysterious sovereignty of God.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation