The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Efficiency Is Overrated


Doing everything in less time is a poor goal.

There was a guy who used to drive his daugther to school in a golf cart. It probably took that dad a quarter of the time that it took me to walk my son. Both of our kids got to school on time, but I got four times the conversation. And way more than four times the exercise.

Sure, some things are best done as quickly as possible. But not as many things as we might assume.

Some things are best done slowly. Especially those things that are done (or can be done) face to face with other people. You may spend more time, but you will also experience more joy and more love, develop more authentic relationships, make more memories, and birth more beauty into the world.

Hurry ruins saints as well as artists.

Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation
The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation