The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Ego Gut Punches


Are a decent sign that your ego has been oversized. Or overactive. Or in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe all of the above.

Ego, sense of self, is not evil. It’s an integral part of what it means to be human. It serves as a sort of dashboard for our life: when a warning light comes on, pay attention.

A gut punch is a sign that some humility and contentment are needed, like symptoms of a serious illness. A re-clarification of exactly who you are (and are not), of what your activity ought to be be (and ought not to be), of where your place is (and is not).

The ego resists humility because if it’s real it always feels like humiliation. And the ego resists contentment because it believes that some other grass truly is greener.

When you’re struggling for breath, count it as a grace.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation