The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Every Day Begins A New Year


It only depends on when you start counting.

Our gregorian calendar started counting yesterday. 

According to the Christian calendar, the new year began 34 days ago on the first Sunday of Advent. 

The Chinese New Year doesn’t begin for another 41 days; the Jewish New Year doesn’t kick off until Rosh Hashanah in early September; and for many Muslims the New Year begins at the first sighting of the lunar crescent after the new moon in the month of Muharram—this year in early August. 

What if I started counting today?

Everyday is a chance for a fresh start. A clean slate. A do-over. And not just a one-off, one-time special event, but a whole new trajectory for life. Every day is an opportunity to recalibrate. To decide who I want to be a year from now, and then take the first of 365 steps into that life. 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation