The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Everyone Needs An Advocate


At some point. At some point. In some situation.

Life is such that we will all hit our limits of time, resources, patience, and power. When what we are facing cannot be faced alone. When what we need is more than a friend who will console us, but rather an ally who will fight for us. Someone who will stick up for us when we can barely lift ourselves out of bed.

We are proud people, though, aren’t we? We are hard-working, resilient, successful, self-made, and self-reliant. We are the helpers, not the needy. The saviors, not the sufferers. That, at least, is the story we tell ourselves. But it’s fiction.

The truly spiritual person, the fully whole person, lives in the world of non-fiction where humility and dependance are honorable survival strategies.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation