The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation



You can’t experience everything. You can’t see or hear or taste or touch everything for yourself. Really, your own personal experience in the world is only a minute fraction of all that has actually taken place. For the other nearly 99.99999999999999% of everything else, what you need is an eyewitness. Someone else whose experience you can trust.

Trust is the key. An untrustworthy eyewitness is no help at all. Even if what they experienced was legit, if you find it hard or impossible to believe them, well, then they’re just witnessing to the wind. And you’re missing out on something, or at least wasting your time.

But a trustworthy eyewitness? Wow! A trustworthy eyewitness can open up entire worlds to you. They can help you learn and experience things that you never could have on your own, things that you never dreamt possible.

The crux of the Christian faith comes down to this: Do I believe that Jesus Christ is a trustworthy eyewitness of God?

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation