The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Fear Is Circular


It feeds back into itself. Anxiety breeds anxiety. Uneasiness opens the door to more uneasiness. Worry hooks up with dread and makes little jittery babies. 

Circles are powerful. But not all-powerful. 

When you find yourself caught in a spinning circle, the centrifugal force most naturally pulls your eyes inwards. And you hold on tight. 

It may be momentarily more nauseating to look outwards, away from the circle, but the first step to breaking out of the circle is to look outwards at the wide, beautiful world around you. Just look at something else. Anything else. Odds are you’ll spot something that does not induce fear.

Take even one step towards that thing and you’ll suddenly find that you’ve broken out into wide open spaces. 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation