The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Fearful Disciples


Are still disciples. It’s not only those who follow Jesus most openly, out in the daylight for all to see who are following him. Sometimes the faithful and devoted just keep it quieter.

Consider Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. Joseph was only a disciple in secret. Nicodemus only came to Jesus at night so that he wouldn’t be spotted.

Yet it was these two who cared for Jesus’ body after the crucifixion, and at significant personal material cost. While they may have followed Jesus in the shadows while he was alive, in his death they took a risk by giving him a proper Jewish burial. While they may have previously been timid before others on the ruling council, they at least had strong enough stomachs to deal with such a brutalized body.

There is a cost to following Jesus. Make no mistake. Every disciple will pay their dues at some point, in some way, and to whatever measure is asked of them. There is no gain in comparison. As Jesus says later to Peter when he was concerned about what would be asked of John, “What is that to you? You must follow me.”

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation