The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Find Someone Who Doesn’t Recognize Jesus


As well you can. Hang out with them. Spend time with them. Do the ordinary things of life with them. Wait and watch, and the moment you spot Jesus, simply draw their attention.

Here’s the thing: Most people spend at least a good chunk of their life not recognizing Jesus. If for no other reason than life is busy and there’s a whole lot of other things to pay attention to like jobs and families and food. Sometimes even when we would like to notice him, we just blink and miss him.

So we need a little assistance.

Andrew likely wouldn’t have recognized Jesus if John hadn’t pointed him out. And Peter likely wouldn’t have recognized him if Andrew hadn’t pointed him out. And someone else wouldn’t have recognized him if Peter hadn’t pointed him out.

That, as it turns out, is the simple way the good news spreads. Not by convincing people of theology, not by shaming people for their sin, not by putting on a big show that draws a crowd, but by one person telling another, “We have found the Messiah!” And then that person tells the next person, who tells the next person, who tells the next person, who tells the next person…

Jesus is more present to people than they realize. Whether they care to even consider that or not. And he is patient. He’s not waiting for an invitation so much as he’s waiting to simply be noticed. So then, most people (believers and non-believers alike) simply need a friend who will tug on their shirt sleeve and say, “There he is!”

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation