The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Following A Rule


Isn’t the same thing as following a person.

Following a rule means knowing the right thing to do, or the wrong thing to avoid doing, and then acting accordingly. It’s understanding when a particular rule applies to a particular context. It means seeing where the boundary lines are laid and staying within them. The motivation is to reap the rewards of obedience and to avoid the consequences of disobedience.

Following a person means watching them as they move (or stay still), and then going where they go, turning where they turn, or stopping where they stop. It’s learning to live in the moment under the direction of their will rather than your own will.  It means keeping the lines of communication open. The motivation is to remain as close to them as possible and to avoid missing out on the fun we’ll have whenever we get to where we’re going.

We never really follow alone. Even the most fiercely independent of us. We are all a part of some crowd or another. A crowd will tend to either follow rules or follow a person, and that momentum can be powerful.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation