The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation



God is love, and love is generous. Generosity is in the Divine DNA. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit share all things. No secrets. No hoarding. No self-protection. No greed. No “what’s mine is mine.”

This divine generosity extends beyond the Trinity toward us mere mortals. What belongs to the Father belongs also to the Son, and what belongs to the Son is passed on to the children of God.

It follows, then, that such generosity should continue beyond God’s children. Generosity has a momentum all its own. In our rebirth through the Spirit, the Divine DNA has been passed on to us, but does not stop with us.

Keep in mind, of course, that the Divine DNA is still rather muddled up with our human DNA. We’re still a mixed bag. Generosity is not a muscle that we are naturally prone to exercise. It must be practiced, honed, and hopefully trained to become a habit. Even though generosity has its own momentum, we can still choose to block it, at least to some degree, by our selfishness.

Generosity does two things. It blesses the receiver, who receives something they could not gain on their own, or didn’t expect, and probably do not deserve at all. It then brings glory to the ultimate source of all goodness and generosity. All generosity can ultimately be traced back to the Generous One.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation