The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

God Is A Gardener


And has been ever since “the beginning,” as Genesis depicts it. Not only creating elements out of nothing just by his word, but planting, tending, watering, nourishing, pruning, and in general seeing to the full flourishing of the entire cosmos.

And at the center of it all, (at least metaphorically, and at least here on Earth), was an actual garden. A verdant, lush landscape that was the ideal location for humanity to begin. And not only begin existing, but begin relating to God and to one another.

Many a great conversation has taken place in a garden. 

So then, if we have this in the backs of our minds, when Jesus says that he is the true vine, and his Father is the gardener, we understand. God still does the work of a gardener, both literally and metaphorically: planting, tending, watering, nourishing, pruning and seeing to the full flourishing of all things.

Including you. Including me. Including every person that you will meet today.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation