The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

God is Only Found in the Real World


That is, in the present and tangible world. In real times and real places. In the here and now.

God is not encountered in the past, although our memories can perhaps recall where he was close to us in times and places that we did notice his presence or activity.

God is not encountered in the future, although we can anticipate his presence with us.

God is not primarily found in the interior world. If we ignore his presence to us in the outer world of creation, people, seasons, circumstances, and even our own bodies, we are in danger of missing him and also of making our own thoughts and emotions into our gods.

God is not encountered in the digital world, unless our engagement with the digital world pushes into the tangible world.

God is not exclusively encountered in the religious world. If God is not bigger than our buildings and dogmas and liturgies, then perhaps it is not God whom we are worshiping after all.

God is found right here, and right now. In this very moment, in this very physical environment. Whenever and wherever you are. Pay attention. That is all.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation