The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Gold / Platinum


The so-called Golden Rule is a good one: “Do to others what you would have them do to you.”

Even many who have no faith buy into this one. Whether or not it came from the mouth of Jesus is irrelevant. It makes good sense and resonates with anyone intent on simply being a good human.

This measure of treatment is self-referential. Which is not a bad place to begin. Would you like others to be kind to you? Be kind to others. Would you be grateful if someone was generous to you? Be generous to someone else. Would you love to receive compliments and encouragement? Give away compliments and encouragement. Treating others the way you want to be treated is solid advice.

But then there’s what you might call the Platinum Rule. It’s a rather new command that also comes from Jesus, but ups the ante a bit: “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

This measure of treatment is Jesus-referential. Which is a challenging, take-a-deep-breath-and-swallow-hard place to begin. Jesus welcomed the unimpressive and powerless into his inner circle? Lower your standards and reconsider your preferences. Jesus did the dirty job that no one else wanted to do? Serve others by doing the thing that is below your status and ability. Jesus gave his very life for you, even literally to the point of a violent death? Gulp!

Those who treat others the way they want to be treated look like solidly good people. Those who treat others the way Jesus has treated them look like disciples.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation