The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Good Leaders Are Not Know-It-Alls


They ask good questions. They know when they’ve come to edge of their understanding. They ask others for data, contexts, perspectives, and connections. 

Good leaders are not do-it-alls. They gather others around themselves who are more talented than they are. They build teams of those who can do what they can’t do, who have different inherent strengths, who have honed different skills. 

Good leaders are not be-it-alls. They are comfortable in their own skin. They can be themselves. They know who they are, and who they are not, and live out of that self-knowledge.

Good leaders are not have-it-alls. They have learned to be OK with what they lack. They see what others possess as an asset rather than a threat. Instead of constantly grabbing for more, they give away whatever they can. 

Good leaders are not say-it-alls. They know when to speak and when to be quiet. They are happy to give someone else the mic, to let someone else’s voice be heard, to give someone else the platform.

Good leaders are not dream-it-alls. They don’t live solely for their own vision. They can embrace and champion the dreams and visions of others. They know that they are not on the only one who can see a brighter future. 

Good leaders are not win-it-alls. They don’t have to win at everything all the time. They can endure personal failure with grace. They can celebrate just as much when someone else wins.  They also know that—at least if one is going to follow the way of Jesus—losing is the only way to come out a winner in the end.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation