The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Guides Are Essential


Because wandering is a waste of time and energy and resources. 

Everyone is on a pathway to somewhere, and without someone who has traveled a similar path before, the going is slower and harder and more fraught with danger. 

Your journey is utterly unique. No one has traveled your exact path before. No one has ever lived your life. No one has ever lived in your time, in your geography, among your people, engaged in your activities, with your skills and experience, chasing after your dreams. No one has ever experienced this once-in-all-of-time opportunity.

No one. Ever. 

But that doesn’t mean that no one else knows what they’re talking about. 

Someone has tried to head in roughly the same direction before. Someone has tried to arrive at a nearby destination. Someone has toiled in a nearby field. Someone has lived a similar concoction of life circumstances. Someone has dreamt similar dreams. Someone has endured similar challenges. Someone has learned from similar mistakes. 

Find that person. Ask to hear their story. Invite them into your story. For a significant length of time. Be humble enough and hungry enough to let them be your guide.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation