The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

How Do You Come to the World?


With condemnation or salvation?

Do you bring judgment, accusation, denunciation, disapproval, displeasure, criticism, and blame?

Or do you bring blessing, deliverance, pardon, emancipation, liberation, restoration, and grace?

The bad news is that far too many religious folk come to the world with all the condemnation they can muster. This stems from a misunderstanding of God as a score-keeping, punitive, and easily-angered Dictator.

“For God so resented the world.”

The good news is that we can each do our part in bringing God’s salvation to the world. This grows out of an understanding of God as a compassionate, forgiving, and long-suffering Father.

“For God so loved the world.”

We have a choice to make: to come to the world like the Accuser or like the Savior. To me the truly Christian option is obvious, even if it is a bit challenging, because, in the words of Robert Capon,

“There is no condemnation because there is no condemner.”

Robert Capon, Kingdom, Grace, Judgment
The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation