The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

I Remember, And Ask You To Remember (A Prayer)


I remember, and ask you to remember,
your promise, Lord Jesus:

Do not leave me as an orphan,
alone and vulnerable,
brotherless, sisterless, fatherless, motherless,
providerless, protectorless, teacherless.
Come to me!

How long is “before long”?
Your people have waited and waited.
Grant me the patience to wait
as long as it takes.
Until you come in all your glory,
may I notice the ways that you come
in your little glories.

Since no one can see you with their eyes,
help me to see you with my spirit,
to see you the way one sees
the wind by the way the trees sway.

Because you live, may I also live—
the same power that raised you from the dead
flowing in my veins,
filling my lungs,
enlightening my mind,
lifting me out of bed in the morning,
the future Resurrection reanimating me today.

Help me to understand, however dimly now,
as in a foggy mirror,
what I will one day see so clearly:

You are in the Father.
I am in you.
You are in me.

Oh, the divine math
that makes no sense to my mind
yet breathes life and meaning to my soul!
Oh, the divine oneness
that unifies all things in heaven and on earth
under the kingship of Christ!

I remember, and ask you to remember,
your promise, Lord Jesus.


The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation