The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

If You Want To Become A Public Figure


Then you have to start doing impressive things in public. If you’re not doing impressive things, then it’s probably best to stop dreaming and just get on with your life. But if you are doing impressive things, yet not many people are aware, then you’re only a private figure.

And what’s the point of being a private figure? The point is to be seen and admired and loved. To grow your audience, to broaden your cultural power, to strengthen your personal brand, to change the world.

So if you have a dream, get out there! Find out where all the people are and show them what you’ve got to offer. Make a splash in the marketplace. Go viral. Wow the crowds. Turn the heads. Get the buzz buzzing. Whatever you do, don’t hold back. You do you as loudly and as ostentatiously as possible. No apologies.

Unless, of course, you’re trying to go about things the Jesus way. His goal was not to become a public figure, but to become an obedient son.

Which would you rather be? A public figure, or an obedient son or daughter? You many very well end up becoming both, but where your primary desire lies will make all the difference.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation