The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

If You Work Hard To Edit Your Story


Welcome to the club. I do it, too. So does everyone else.

We work hard at keeping up appearances. We carefully curate our public narrative. A lot of human energy is spent in defense against shame.

We’ve made bad decisions. We’ve to We’ve given power to our cravings. We’ve let our emotions explode. We’ve been unfaithful to ourselves and to others. We’ve broken promises. We’ve hurt others, and we’ve been hurt by others. We’ve used others, and we’ve been used by others. We’ve withheld love, and we’ve had love withheld from us.

This is what it means to be human. To be honestly human, unedited, can feel shameful. But the good news is that Jesus does not traffic in shame.

He is not shaken or deterred by our humanity. He loves and welcomes us not in spite of those parts of our story that we’d rather edit out, but precisely because of them.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation