The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

In The Absence Of Clear Communication


People will come to their own conclusions. Heck, sometimes even with a decent amount of clarity, people will still often think whatever they fancy.

Sometimes people will assume the best, even when the worst is the truth. When I really reflect, I think most people fall into this category most of the time. As humans, something in us really does want to believe the best of other people. There’s got to be something divine in that.

But sometimes, of course, people will assume the worst even when there is nothing suspicious going on. Often this comes out of past hurt, and this cynicism arises as a defense mechanism. Which is warranted sometimes, no doubt. But overall, cynicism never seems to make anyone truly happy.

What’s the point? We live today somewhat in the dark. Or with blurred vision. But tomorrow the sun will come out and hindsight will be (as the saying goes) twenty-twenty.

At which point we must have grace for ourselves and others for when assumptions have missed the mark.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation