“But don’t worry–it’s a manly scent,” you said from the stage.
Worry? I’m not worried. Are others worried? I sure hope not. But maybe they are. And if anyone is worried about your candle-lit prayer, what does that say about our religious culture? Probably more than we would like.
If you said, “At night when I eat dinner with my wife, I light a candle,” would you add a self-justifying follow-up comment to keep us from worrying? Would we need you to say, “But don’t worry–it’s a feminine scent”?
Because, Lord knows, you do not want to mix them up and smell something feminine while you pray to God or masculine while you dine with your spouse.
Don’t get me wrong, it was a funny bit. Your delivery was spot-on. You should tell that joke again. I laughed. Even now I chuckle quietly as I sit here beside my honey-bourbon candle.