The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

It’s So Loud I Can’t Hear Myself Think


You’ve heard that old saying. You know the feeling. It’s like your brain has hearing damage.

I’m beginning to realize that the hearing damage is actually more profound: “It’s so loud I can’t hear my soul speak.” 

Beyond our cognitive abilities, deeper than our thought processes, more primal than our brains attending to problem-solving, there is a part of who we are that has something to say. It wants to tell us something crucial about who we are. About the nature of the world. About how God interacts with those two.

The world shouts; our souls whisper. 

Sometimes we just need to turn off the noise. All of our devices have volume buttons and power buttons for a reason. Perhaps using them more regularly, intentionally, and strategically just might give our souls enough time to come out of hiding, and for us to hear the truths we most desperately need to hear.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation